Wednesday 23 November 2011

ten reasons why /.o1

i miss that look you'd give me, the one i knew was just for me and no one else. felt like i was in on a little secret that not a single other person on this earth knew about.

so i'm a scottish teenager. worst combination ever. not only do i have to deal with the problems of puberty, boys and my final year at high school but also the threat of alex salmond, haggis and the issue of whether a deep fried mars bar is the very definition of a heart attack.

i miss the awkward moments where i wouldn't know what to say and neither would you, so we'd sit in an uncomfortable yet satisfied silence.

i don't know why i started this blog - then again, who ever does when they start writing to people they've never met on all too often a subject close to their hearts. then again, some are just fantastically witty blogs that make me cry with laughter. the great thing about blogging is you can be as open as you like and complete strangers can give you unbiased advice or support in some cases! a liberty i am not used to. coming from a group where there aren't enough boys to go round, so pretty much everyone has fancied each other at one point or another (recycled love... and you think we teenagers don't care for the environment) its hard enough to get neutral advice...

i miss the days where we would phone each other up and talk into the night with no hint of awkwardness, about anything and everything. not caring about the time because we didn't want to be the first to say goodbye.

you can take what you want from this blog. i'm sure if any of my friends were to read it they'd immediately ask a million questions. i'm not going to say anything though. it might be about 'real life' (its really strange saying that, i feel like i should be looking round the corner and seeing mario trying to jump on a mushroom or something), i might be quoting from this novel i've got going, it might be about my dog (though... that would be weird) or i might just be talking absolute shite due to hormones and all that crazy stuff going round your head at the tender teenage ages.

i miss the silly arguments, the stupid drama and even the moments where i'd think we have nothing in common and shouldn't really like each other.

i read somewhere that a good way to start is a list. i like lists, they keep me ordered. i tend to have one sitting on my door written on a bright pink post-stick. i don't always see it nor adhere to it but i think that flamingo pink note gives me a little bit of sanity in an otherwise rather mad life. did you know on some computers you can get little post-stick notes on which you can type out little reminders and it goes on your desktop? i found out about this only recently. life. made.

i'd even miss those stupid sayings or phrases of yours that would drive me insane, or the times where i put up with you calling me some pet name just because i felt happy you even did.

so i think its going to be a 'ten reasons why' kind of you can see i'm totally decisive. maybe you can be decisive for me, suggest a ten reasons why idea. haha, my creative sources are already drying up and i'm already pressurizing you poor people for your own ideas. for your own sake i'd move on while you still can.

i miss the times when i would check my phone every two seconds hoping you had replied to a message. i even miss the times i acknowledged how pathetic i was by getting excited at a new message coming through.

god... the more i do this the more i think that the guy(s) i've ever gone out with, should they read this, will think i'm a bit of a stalker. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT LIKE THAT, I'M A LITTLE BIT WEIRD BUT IT HASN'T DESCENDED TO CREEPING OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE WHILST PLAYING ''EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE'' ON MY IPOD. But that has given me ideas...

i miss the times when you would lend me your jacket and i'd never want to give it back, snuggled up in the warmth.

i don't know if i'll even get any followers. blogging is an odd thing - i don't understand how people find you... actually... thinking that makes me worried... DEAR GOD HOW DID YOU FIND ME? maybe i should get some sleep before this insomnia leads to some kind of nervous breakdown. i don't know if you will even find what i say funny or sad or a mixture (or just pathetically sad in which case feel free to send me a cyber-backhand-slap, i probably need it)

i even miss the times people would ask about us and i'd get shy, because even then i could still talk about you.

life truly is a bitch, and then you die. i think i've seen too many failed relationships to even bother, plus i think my complete lack of allure already shot that horse in the face (BONUS COOKIES TO ANYONE WHO KNOWS WHAT MOVIE THAT IS FROM.) i don't know if i want to talk about it. blogging is almost like therapy. i think the best blog i ever read was actually about someone who ventured into manic depression, simply because i think the person was so brave to be so truly honest to themselves. blogging is a cheaper form of therapy, hallelujah.

i miss the days i hated you or got angry with you or despised you or wished that i'd never met you, because at least i could feel emotion.

this has been a summary of my pathetic life...wait no it hasn't. i basically have told you nothing. och well, you'll just have to wait it out until next time i can remember i have a blog then have the time to post something on it. which according to my last blog took a while.
its quite funny, unearthing old blogs. i used to have a horsey one where i gave out advice (about horses) and thought i was genuinely the bees knees. oh how wrong i was.

but most of all. i miss you.

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